Alaska Performance Scholarship
Earn to Learn
Alaska high school students who take a more rigorous curriculum, get good grades, and score well on college placement or work ready exams, can earn an Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS) to qualified Alaska colleges, universities, or vocational/technical programs. Alaska Performance Scholarships are worth up to $4,755 per year.
Who Qualifies?
APS awards are granted at three levels, based on students’ grade point averages and scores on college-ready or work-ready assessments (ACT, SAT, or WorkKeys).
Click here to learn how to become eligible. Remember it is the responsibility of each student to keep track of their own APS eligibility classes. Your counselor can advise you about what courses are available to take to fulfill requirements for the scholarship.
APS 2021 Frequently Asked Questions
For the graduating class of 2021, the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education will continue to administratively suspend the ACT, SAT and WorkKeys requirement for Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS) eligibility. APS eligibility and award level will be determined by meeting the existing rigorous curriculum and GPA. Details of this waiver and any other changes to APS policies are available at