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Volunteer Opportunites

TEAM DINNER HOST | Dinners are held the night before races. If you are interested in sharing your home with the team, this would be an awesome way for you to give. Often, the kids will be provided with space to play games, listen to music, but most importantly, a place to build a community. Dinners are potluck and food is divided up by grade level. 

SNACK PARENT | Make sure there are snacks (chocolate milk included :) for the kids at races. In the past, parents would coordinate using the Facebook Page on what grade level would bring what. You are responsible for putting up and taking down the table and placing the food out for all races. It is nice to have at least two parents. 

KNIGHT INVITE | This fundraiser is put on for our elementary schools as a second race. The entire team volunteers. However, there is a need for a committee of parents to organize the scoring, awards, registration, etc. The committee, in the past, has consisted of about 5-7 parents. 

TEAM BANQUET | All athletes and families are invited to celebrate an evening of the successes of all. This evening will be held in the Commons at Colony High and we will need a group of parents to organize food arrangements, food set up, and decorations. Date is TBA.